Underwater Inspection Services
ES-Divers completing a Confined space/contaminated water dive at a steel plant. ES-Divers cleaned out debris from the interior of a holding tank.
ES-Divers is an independent consulting firm not connected to any marine construction entity. Clients receive objective and accurate reports with precise data to facilitate maintenance and repair. Waterway support systems – intakes, pipelines, mooring cells, stationary barges, and bridge piers – form the infrastructure of many industries. Flaws, defects, and cracks in these vital components can lead to structural failure and environmental devastation. Regular, precision inspection of such fundamental elements is necessary to protect the life and industry that thrives around them.
Underwater Inspection Services Include:
Nondestructive Testing (NDT) & Analysis
Captioned Photos (Topside and Underwater)
Underwater Video (HD)
CAD and GIS Work Products
Ship and Barge
Potable Water
Underwater Valve Integrity & Operations
Underwater Pump & Intake Coating Evaluations
Sheet Pile
Dolphins & Mooring Cells
Project Highlights
Dredge Pontoon Inspection & Repair
Wooster, Ohio
The client aggregate provider produces and sells more than 3.5 million tons of aggregates annually with mining and dredging locations across Ohio in Columbus, Fredericktown, St. Louisville, Upper Sandusky, Wooster, Woodville and Cleveland. ES-Divers has helped to keep this large scale operation moving smoothly for the last three years by providing vital services such as annual in-water video and NDT inspections as well as repairs to dredge pontoons.
In August of 2013, ES-Divers responded to a call from the aggregate provider regarding a leaking pontoon on the dredge barge at the Wooster, Ohio location. The ES dive team arrived on site and began by testing the air on the interior of the pontoon. Once the air quality was confirmed to be acceptable for a person to enter, one member of the dive team entered the space to locate, inspect, and photograph the leak. After the leak was located and the extent of the damage was assessed, a marker was placed through the breech to assist the diver in locating the damaged area from the water. The diver was then deployed with a specially made plug and underwater epoxy to patch the leak. Once the exterior was sealed, another member of the team reentered the pontoon to apply the epoxy to the interior of the leaking area. Both video footage and still photos were captured during the repair and the final fix. A post inspection was conducted to ensure the integrity of the repair and all findings where documented and provided to the client for their records.